Thanks for your interest in Mountain Magic Health and Beauty.
Mountain Magic Health was born in 2004 in the beautiful Tennessee Smokey Mountains where natural plants have been used for centuries. Our mission and philosophy began there, and is always, to provide the best "totally natural", holistic health and beauty products and keep them completely free of chemicals, preservatives, artificial colorants, and petroleum. We want to help you and your loved ones to get real, tried and proven pain relief and help for a long list of many ailments.
Herbs and Essential Oils have been used for centuries by doctors as well as lay people. Your great grandparents probably used them often and knew well and appreciated their effectiveness. Now it is also our mission to re-introduce the amazing health benefits of these ancient organic herbs and therapeutic grade essential oils to our present chemically overwhelmed generation.
Look for us out and about. You may find our products at clinics, massage outlets, some exclusive stores, expos, fairs, shows, flea markets, at your workplace or your friend or relative's home and even at home parties. Thanks again for your interest. You are an amazing human being and you have the power to build health and happiness for yourself and others.